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If you want to make public policy, then you have to win campaigns. That's what we've been doing for nearly 30 years with a winning track record in some of the most contested races.


With lobbyists in the Capitol talking to legislators and regulators, who's talking to their constituents to make sure they're hearing from the people who matter? We are.


Brands can't be built in an instant, but they can be destroyed in an instant.

At a time when the public square is filled with chatter, we work to ensure that our clients are heard clearly.

About Media & Associates

Media & Associates is a political consulting firm specializing in political campaigns and legislative communications. We've been around long enough to know that to be effective, the latest campaign tools should be tempered with the foundation of experience and sound judgement.

We've mastered the techniques of old, and are proud to have pioneered many of the communication techniques that are now being used by others. But when it comes right down to it, we simply develop messages that speak to voters and the public, and we craft communications programs to deliver those messages.

We believe in drilling down to the essence of the issue...the truth. Because it is within that truth that voters connect and respond the message.

About M&A

Contact Us

Media & Associates, Inc.

770 L Street, Suite 950

Sacramento, California 95814

(916) 448-1995

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Campaigns & Communications

Media & Associates

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